: condorgolf@gmail.com          : 623-581-2986


What is the Best Club Length for a Driver

Large "name brand" manufacturers use a "standard" club length that is TOO long for 98% of men golfers and 99% of women golfers. These companies make drivers that are 45" to 46.5" where as the average length of drivers used by Tour Professionals is 44.5".

Why is this done? Because, companies advertise that the longer the length is, the longer you will hit the ball. Except it only works when you have smooth tempo, a consistent square swing path, a LATE RELEASE OF YOUR WRIST-COCK ANGLE, good swing timing and rhythm.

If this isn't you, it's not going to work.

This chart gives a good starting point when considering what length will work best. In the "Average Distance" column, the 43" driver length is longer than the 44" and 45" driver lengths. But the most important factor is the "Average Dispersion" column. This shows the number of yards offline from the center of the fairway with each driver length. Note that the 43" length driver is much closer to the center of the fairway on ALL ability levels. And when you are closer to the center of the fairway, the next shot is easier to hit!

Average 18 Hole Score

Driver Length

Average Distance

Average Dispersion





206.4 yards

207.0 yards

207.3 yards

+/- 25.3 yards

+/- 21.3 yards

+/- 16.7 yards

88 - 93




214.2 yards

214.8 yards

215.7 yards

+/- 26.4 yards

+/- 22.7 yards

+/- 17 yards

82 - 87




221.3 yards

222.5 yards

222.8 yards

+/- 23.5 yards

+/- 18.1 yards

+/- 15.1 yards

76 - 81




227.1 yards

228.1 yards

228.4 yards

+/- 18.2 yards

+/- 15.6 yards

+/- 11.8 yards

70 - 75




238.7 yards

238.3 yards

237.5 yards

+/- 15.7 yards

+/- 12.2 yards

+/- 9.7 yards

Chart courtesy of 12 Myths That Could Wreck Your Golf Game by Tom Wishon

How Far Do Golfers Really Hit Drives

"I hit my drives 270 yards."

Hah! Maybe once, with the wind behind you, on a rock-hard fairway, when the ball bounced off a cart path and a squirrel advanced it an extra 10 yards. On no subject are golfers, especially male golfers, more deluded than on the distance they hit their drives.

Here are the brutal facts, accumulated by Dave Pelz over several years of monitoring thousands of players at amateur tournaments. He used the same ShotLink equipment used by the PGA Tour to determine that, in 2021, the world’s best players averaged 291 yards off the tee. Male amateurs who play to a 30 handicap average drives of 166 yards; 20-handicappers average 183 yards; 10-handicappers average 214 yards; scratch amateurs average 235 yards. So, be realistic.

Should I Use a Low Spin Golf Shaft

There are many articles about "Spin" of the ball upon contact with the club. We are here to set the record straight about "Spin."

The vast majority of excessive spin situations are caused by swing errors rather than playing the wrong equipment. Therefore, correcting swing technique is more effective than changing equipment.

What causes the excessive spin shot? The most predominant swing error that results in excessive spin is:

A breakdown of the wrist of the upper hand on the grip coming into impact which allows the clubhead to pass in front of the hands before impact, thus greatly increasing the dynamic loft of the clubhead and increasing spin and launch angle along with it.

The only equipment change that can reduce higher spin is a lower loft on the club head. However, you can only lower loft so much. A golfer is much better off making the effort to get rid of the higher spin/higher launch by taking lessons to improve his hand-to-club head position at impact.

Conclusion and Key Points

  • Be more concerned about finding the best driver and shaft combination. Stop obsessing about the spin number coming from the launch monitor.

  • A shaft that affects a change on spin ONLY works for players with a very late wrist cock release (players who normally score 66 - 72).

  • If you are allowing the clubhead to pass the hands before impact, take lessons and practice hard to change these swing errors — do not buy a new club or shaft.

If the shaft you have fits your swing speed, transition/tempo force, wrist cock release point and preference for feel, don’t change it to lower the spin. It will have no effect and you will end up with a shaft that feels and plays too stiff.

What Driver Loft Should I Use

Have you ever wondered why you sometimes hit your 3-wood or even your 5-wood as far or even further than you hit your driver?

Many golfers select the wrong driver loft for their ability and strength. Yes, I realize that goes against your rationale for buying golf clubs.

However, it is similar to using a garden hose turned up to full power to try to get the longest distance of water spray. If you suddenly turned down the water pressure, you would see a loss of distance in the spray. In order to regain some of that distance, you raise the angle of the nozzle! Same thing is true with a golf driver. With a slower swing speed (less distance), you need a higher lofted driver which raises the trajectory to regain some of that distance.

Simple concept.

If Your NORMAL Average Drive Distance Is Your Driver Loft Should Be
0 - 140 yards. 16.5°
140 - 160 yards 15.5°
160 - 180 yards 15°
180 - 195 yards 14°
195 - 210 yards 13°
210 - 225 yards 12°

Good Balance for a Good Golf Swing

One of the most important aspects of a golf swing is balance. Having the proper balance means that during the golf swing, your weight is positioned so as not to allow your body to lean too far forward, backward, left or right. Having good balance also brings out good rhythm during the swing.

The combination of proper balance and good rhythm is what allows your body to return the clubhead back to the ball the same as you started the swing. Many higher scoring golfers try to hit the ball as far as possible by swinging the club very fast. As a result, they lose their balance (which then makes them actually slow down the swing just to regain their balance)  which delivers only a glancing blow on the ball losing much of the power of the swing. The golfer ends up with a weak hit that generally goes offline from the club immediately. Every once in awhile, they happen to catch the ball relatively solidly sending the ball somewhat longer but still offline. The problem all stems back to the fact that the golfer tries to hit too hard by swinging too fast without any effort to keep a balanced swing.

Our advice is to start by making a slow motion swing hitting the ball. The ball may only travel 10 - 20 yards, but the idea is to learn to keep the balance during the entire swing. Once the golfer is comfortable with that, gradually increase the speed to hit the ball 50 yards while still maintaining good balance. These first two steps should be done over at least 2 COMPLETE practice sessions. Yes, I know you want to see if you can hit longer shots immediately, but this is a learning process which does take some time. It may take days or even weeks to accomplish, but you will find that the results are definitely worth the time spent.

Every good golf swing must include good balance. Maintain your balance and you can swing the clubhead to the ball with speed and accuracy. Loss of balance results in a loss of rhythm and deceleration at impact. This means lack of distance and accuracy.

The most important balance checkpoint during the swing is the follow-through.
Since the entire swing takes less than 3 seconds, your only swing thought should be the balance at the end of the swing.
Finish in balance and it's a good bet your entire swing was in balance.
Learn to pose on the follow-through as if someone was taking your picture.