Proper Driver Length
Large "name brand" manufacturers use a "standard" club length that is TOO long for 98% of men golfers and 99% of women golfers. These companies make drivers that are 45" to 46" where as the average length of drivers used by Tour Professionals is 44.5".
Why is this done? Because, companies advertise that the longer the length is, the longer you will hit the ball. Except it only works when you have smooth tempo, a consistent square swing path, a LATE RELEASE OF YOUR WRIST-COCK ANGLE, good swing timing and rhythm.
If this isn't you, it's not going to work.
This chart gives a good starting point when considering what length will work best. In the "Average Distance" column, the 43" driver length is longer than the 44" and 45" driver lengths. But the most important factor is the "Average Dispersion" column. This shows the number of yards offline from the center of the fairway with each driver length. Note that the 43" length driver is much closer to the center of the fairway on ALL ability levels. And when you are closer to the center of the fairway, the next shot is easier to hit!
Chart courtesy of 12 Myths That Could Wreck Your Golf Game by Tom Wishon